EIAO has launched its English website.
Humanitarian Aid Organization

Hand in hand for a better world...

EIAO - Eko International Aid Organization

Humanitarian Aid Organization: EIAO

Our organization is a non-profit, non-profit, non-profit organization that provides health, education, production, socio-cultural and social services to all people in need at home and abroad, primarily to fight hunger, poverty, addiction, diseases (chronic, endemic and pandemic), to provide access to basic health services, to prepare for all kinds of disasters and disasters, It was established in 2022 to carry out humanitarian aid and aid organizations that will contribute to their access to all basic rights and services that address socio-economic aspects, as well as to carry out organizations to combat climate change and environmental pollution, to cooperate with relevant national and international organizations for the realization of all of these services for the public, and to carry out aid activities worldwide.

Many communities around the world face challenges such as hunger, poverty, addiction and disease. One of the organizations that tackle these challenges and empower communities is humanitarian aid organizations.

The Importance of Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian assistance plays a critical role in addressing the challenges facing millions of people around the world. In the fight against hunger, poverty and disease, humanitarian assistance contributes to strengthening societies by ensuring access to basic health services and fundamental rights such as education.

The Role of Humanitarian Aid Organizations

Humanitarian aid organizations operate in a wide range of areas, such as strengthening communities, preparing for disasters, combating climate change and environmental pollution. These associations offer hope and help to people through projects carried out by volunteers and donations. They aim to improve the welfare of communities through socio-cultural and socio-economic development projects.

Eko International Aid Organization

Eko International Aid Organization is an organization that works effectively in humanitarian aid and social development. It not only leads the fight against hunger, poverty, addiction and disease, but also carries out important projects on disaster preparedness, climate change and environmental pollution. It aims to create a wider impact through national and international cooperation.

To review our projects, please click on the names of our projects.

Our Areas of Activity

Humanitarian Aid and Relief Organizations
Humanitarian Aid and Relief Organizations
Disaster Relief
Disaster Relief
Climate, Environment and Nature Activities
Climate, Environment and Nature Activities
Educational Supports and Culture-Art Activities
Educational Supports and Culture-Art Activities
Health Aids
Health Aids
Economic and Social Support Activities
Economic and Social Support Activities
Cooperation with National and International Organizations
Collaboration with National and International Organizations
Permanent Works
Permanent Works

You can browse through all the projects we are working on as Eko International Aid Organization.

Container homes

Container Homes Project

Container Homes Project HOPEFUL AND COZY CONTAINER HOMES FOR EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS! We are setting up furnished and infrastructure-supported container houses in disaster areas for earthquake


To view more photos, please click here.


Your donations save lives. Join hands with our organization to support and work towards a better world


Become a Donor

Your donations save lives! You can support our aid activities by making a donation. Let's work together for a better world!
Be Volunteer

Be Volunteer

You can join our regional volunteers and support our association both financially and spiritually.

What Have We Done?

Take a look at the numerical value of the aid provided by our association, which started its activities in 2022

Water Well
Supporting Girls' Education
Student Stationery Support
Health Screening and Medicine Supply
0 +
Treatment for Addiction
Treatment and Care of Stray Animals.
Tree Planting
0 +
Goat Donation to Family
Dairy Cow Grant for Family
Eid al-Adha Assistance to Families
0 +
Food Aid to Families
Hot Meal Support for People.
0 +


Nurettin Fırat

We set out to deliver your trusts to their rightful owners, and we deliver your trusts to their destination with the utmost care using our own hands. We are the bridge between the giver and the receiver, and our goal is to ensure this process is safe and beautiful. If there is someone or a group of people that everyone has forgotten in the far corners of the world, we don’t forget them and we reach out to them!

EIAO is an organization that aims to reach out to all living beings on earth without discrimination based on political or ideological views, religion, language, race, color, or gender. We thank the hundreds of volunteers and unsung heroes who have not left us alone on this path.

“Let’s work together for a better world!”

Dr. Enternasyonal - Nurettin Fırat

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