Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief
We prioritize investment in underdeveloped and high-risk regions for the production, storage, logistics, and transportation of all necessary goods and materials in medium and large scale in case of emergencies and disasters, and we develop and support sustainable businesses in these areas.
We plan and organize modern and fully equipped mobile, modular camps and settlements for intervention, shelter, and temporary living activities in emergency situations, and we support their technical operations.
We develop and support production, storage, logistics, distribution, inspection, control, and supervision organizations to ensure the sufficient, regular, and sustainable delivery of all necessary goods and services to disaster and emergency victims.
We work in accordance with human rights and our ensar culture to find permanent solutions for the compulsory and urgent problems related to immigrants and refugees, and we develop and implement effective mutual aid and assistance organizations, projects, and programs, especially in areas such as employment, education, housing, social, cultural, spiritual support, legal assistance, health services, social security, and the protection of special groups (orphans, widows, children).
We develop and support organizations in line with our organization’s vision and mission to provide the necessary infrastructure, superstructure works, settlements, security, health, education, management, production, service, trade, and other necessary facilities for the victims of disasters and emergencies to return to their normal living conditions as soon as possible.
Support us with your donations.