Permanent Works

Water Wells
Drinking water used by approximately 1.5 billion people is unhygienic. Dirty water; It steals the lives of around 1500 children every day with the cholera, diarrhea and typhoid fever it causes. The number of people who lose their lives every year due to drought, epidemics and difficulty in accessing water exceeds 2 million.
Drought, famine, poverty, rapid population growth and pollution are destroying clean drinking water sources. Since millions of people do not have healthy water, mass diseases are increasing in our world day by day. It is necessary to take serious and applicable measures to prevent the decrease of clean water resources. The dangers that people face are increasing day by day with the depleting water resources. In many parts of the world, especially in Africa and Asia, people have to walk for miles to meet their daily water needs. However, they can meet their water needs with the dirty and muddy water they can find. As Eko International Aid Organization, we provide hope to our people with our water well projects in arid lands.
There are millions of children in the world who have become orphans for various reasons. According to international data, millions of children are abducted every year for various reasons. Organ traffickers, human traffickers, and prostitution rings ruthlessly exploit children for their own financial gain. These children, who start life with many deficiencies, are either sold or used for missionary activities. Building orphanages for these children is crucial. We work to meet their needs and prepare them for life, providing them with a glimmer of hope.

Health Centers - Hospitals
In countries struggling with various issues such as political instability, conflicts, pandemics, and droughts, healthcare services hold an important place. The insufficiency of medical equipment, shortage of healthcare personnel, financial constraints, and unsterilized working areas in the health sector have negative impacts on people’s lives. There are millions of people around the world who lack access to healthcare services. To provide healthcare services in these regions, we establish healthcare clinics and hospitals with medical competence, which help people to have access to healthcare and live a healthier life.
Education institutions and cultural centers
Many people in many countries are deprived of education due to reasons such as financial constraints, conflict zones, inadequate buildings, political pressures, and missionary activities. Education and especially the education of children is crucial for their future, preparing them to be useful individuals for their country and families. Therefore, we establish education institutions and cultural centers in the areas where education is needed in the world. With our volunteers, we carry out activities to educate people in these areas and help them adapt to the world.